Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 4 of 14 of index terms beginning with "A"
- Air
- element of Vastu design
- element of Vastu design
- Air circulation
- Air conditioners
- Air layering
- Air quality, plants for improving
- Ajuga
- incisa (frosted jade bugleweed)
- plant you never knew you needed
- occidentalis
- cold climate entry
- reptans (bugleweed)
- alternative to Houttuynia
- barrenwort
- best shade container
- clay-loving
- container with contrast
- cool-weather perennial
- Cordial Canary
- fall combos
- fast filler
- ground cover
- paver plant
- quick spreader
- steep slopes
- summer division
- to attract butterflies
- top pick drought-tolerant
- top pick for shade
- top picks
- spp. (bugleweed)
- every situation
- incisa (frosted jade bugleweed)
- Akebia
- Albizia
- julibrissin (mimosa)
- invasive
- julibrissin (mimosa)
- Alcea
- rosea (hollyhock)
- biennial
- black flowers
- Blacknight'
- butterflies
- cottage gardens
- cutting garden
- deadheading
- Fiesta Time'
- grow gorgeous
- Halo Cerise'
- heirloom
- introduction
- Peaches 'n Dreams'
- plant profile
- rose of Sharon vs.
- rust on
- screen
- spike flowers
- starting from seed
- top pick as butterfly host
- top picks
- vertical accent
- weed look-alike
- rugosa (Russian hollyhock)
- rosea (hollyhock)
- Alchemilla
- Alder
- invasive
- invasive
- Alfalfa pellets
- Algae
- Allegheny spurge
- native for shade
- native for shade