Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 19 of 19 of index terms beginning with "B"
- Butterbur, Japanese
- Buttercup
- Butterflies
- American lady
- basics
- books about
- California dogface
- caterpillars
- climate change
- common buckeye
- Diana fritillary
- Eastern tailed-blue
- Eastern tiger swallowtail
- eight common
- fall
- feeding station for
- fountain feeder
- friendly plants, at-a-glance guide
- giant swallowtail
- great spangled fritillary
- Gulf fritillary
- houses for
- Hurwitz on
- identifying
- life cycle
- malachite
- meadow fritillary
- Mikula on
- monarch
- mourning cloak
- no-fail combos for
- painted lady
- photographing with iPhone "live"
- pipevine swallowtail
- planting garden for
- pollinators
- Q&A
- question mark butterfly
- red admirals
- red-spotted purple
- sanctuary for
- sleepy orange
- spicebush swallowtail
- swallowtail caterpillars
- top pick beautiful
- top picks for hosting
- watering stations
- zebra heliconian
- zebra longwing
- zebra swallowtail
- Ziemer on
- American lady
- Butterfly bush
- Butterfly gardens
- autumn
- caterpillars
- container
- design challenge
- easy care
- plans
- plants for
- shaded log pile
- spring
- top pick must-have blooms
- autumn
- Butterfly weed
- Button flower, Brazilian
- new for 1998
- new for 1998
- Buttonbush
- Editor's Choice
- Editor's Choice
- Buttonweed
- weed watch
- weed watch
- Buxus
- hybrida
- Heritage™ (top pick new)
- microphylla
- sempervirens (common boxwood)
- spp. (boxwood)
- blight
- box tree moth
- east-facing foundation
- easy to prune
- entry plantings
- fool-proof plant
- foundation plantings
- look-alikes
- low hedges
- North Star™
- psyllid infestation
- rootbound
- shade
- shearing vs. plucking
- small shrub
- structure
- topiary
- turning bronze
- Volutella stem blight
- well-behaved evergreen
- hybrida
- Byington, Teresa