Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 20 of 29 of index terms beginning with "C"
- Coneflower, prairie
- Coneflower, purple
- Conifers
- anchor plants
- Bloom on
- boxwood blight
- branches for protection
- cedar-apple rust
- cold damage
- cytospora canker
- definition of
- design tip from pro
- Designing with Conifers
- dwarf gold
- establishing leader
- euonymus scale
- funnel weaver spider webs
- Gardening with Conifers
- holding branches back
- ice storm effects
- pinching
- pruning
- salt damage
- triangular
- Tuttle on
- undercutting low-growing
- watering
- well-behaved
- winter appeal of
- winter protection
- anchor plants
- Conoclinium
- coelestinum (mistflower)
- top pick fall bloomer
- coelestinum (mistflower)
- Consolida
- Container "feet"
- Container gardens
- a dime
- back yard retreats
- Baggett on
- basics
- baskets
- big impact
- books about
- borders
- centerpieces
- color focus in shade garden
- critters
- decks
- design
- early spring
- entries
- filler
- florist's foam in
- focal plant
- front-step sizzle
- groupings
- hayrack design
- height
- herbs
- hydrangea in
- insect and disease
- Jacobson on
- maintenance
- money-saving tip
- overwintering
- patio
- perennial beds
- perennials
- pool plantings
- raised
- refresh for fall
- rehydrating
- reliability of tag info
- removing big plants from
- root pruning
- shade
- shrubs in
- side yard
- star bloomers for
- star foliage plants for
- succulents
- Suntory® Virtual Combo Design
- tiny gardens
- top pick plants for
- tough plants
- trees in
- troubleshooting
- twenty-six26 hacks for
- vegetables
- vertical
- water gardens
- we age
- winter
- a dime
- Container plans
- annual/perennial mix
- annuals
- Baggett on designing
- basket of flowers
- beautiful box
- begonia centerpiece
- bird-cage beauties
- birds and butterflies
- bloom like crazy
- bloom times
- blue mood
- bog in a bowl
- borders
- bountiful basket
- bright-colored
- bulbs
- burgundy, plum, blue
- bursting with blooms
- butterflies
- carnival of color
- casual
- cheerful cottage charmer
- classic terra-cotta
- classy shade combo
- climbers in
- colander
- colorful
- colorful basket
- colorful standard
- coneflowers
- container gardens
- yellow
- contrast
- contrasting flower shapes
- cool idea
- cool-weather color
- cool-weather combos
- dark and dramatic
- deck barrier
- deck-rail
- easy-care
- economical
- edibles
- Editor's Choice
- fall
- abundance of autumn
- autumn masterpiece
- autumn spice
- bright fall
- cool and classic
- cool-weather color
- flowery fall
- industrial flair
- mass of mums
- no-fail combos
- pink
- purple
- signs of autumn
- subtle beauty
- textural
- warm and wonderful
- warm glow
- focal point
- foliage
- formal
- fragrant
- front-step sizzle
- gaps
- gold
- grouping
- hang a bucket
- hanging baskets
- basket columns
- basket of flowers
- bright and cool
- build a better
- color show
- cool pastels
- designing with
- edibles
- flower power
- forest of green
- heavenly blue
- high and low
- hot pink for cool shade
- no-fail plants
- spring charm
- summer spillover
- sweeping color
- trailing
- heat-loving
- herbs
- holiday
- instant impact
- Jack O'Planter
- Japanese
- kitchen basket
- low-maintenance
- midsummer revival
- miniature "tundra"
- mixed trough
- obelisks
- one-plant wonder
- orange accent
- ornamental grasses
- out of the ordinary container
- pansies
- patio
- perennials
- pinching
- pink
- pizzazz
- pollinator pleaser
- purples
- purses
- quick standard
- Reader Container Challenges
- readers' best
- readers' favorites
- reds
- rum punch
- shade
- simple and stunning
- snappy comeback
- spring
- brilliance
- buttercups and ivy
- color explosion
- cool weather
- fire up the flowers
- four-season structure
- fragrant
- greeting
- instant
- kitchen basket
- no-fail combos
- pansies
- petite pastel palette
- play with purple
- pretty and edible
- pretty and petite
- sophisticated red
- spires
- sprightly
- subtle
- sweet couple
- welcome
- spring into summer
- steps
- strawberry pot
- striking standout
- succulents
- summer
- no-fail combos
- sun
- super bowl
- tabletop
- tall
- tall and triangular
- texture
- texture-filled combo
- three's company
- three-season
- topiary standard
- tropical
- trough planter
- twelve12 must-see
- understated classic
- urns
- vase basics
- vertical impact
- vivid color in cool shade
- warm glow
- water gardens
- whimsical
- white
- winter
- annual/perennial mix
- Containers
- adding height to
- anchoring
- ant colonization
- bamboo blind covers
- between tree roots
- biodegradable
- bird baths as
- blue
- bolting to railings
- books about
- Brella Vase™
- burying broken
- choosing
- cleaning
- cloth drawers as
- coleus in
- concrete
- Cumberland Square Planters
- deck flower boxes
- deck planters
- Deckorators® post cap
- design element
- divided perennials in
- drain holes
- Drain Smart
- drainage
- Eco-Planters
- elevating
- emptying large
- FabricPot™
- faucets and
- faux stone
- fiberglass
- fillers for
- fire pit as
- floating
- foam cooler as
- focal point
- formal
- fountains in
- garden filler
- garden trash
- hangers for
- hanging on fence
- hanging planters
- hayrack planters
- hostas in
- hot ideas for
- hypertufa
- jardinets from hollow tree trunk
- leaves in bottom
- loosening packed roots
- marigolds
- mesh onion bags
- metal
- mineral buildup in soil
- money-saving tip
- more plant for the money
- mosaic pots
- moving fragile
- moving large
- MudLove planters
- mulching
- nylon stockings as
- Oakland pottery
- old boats
- overwintering plants in
- padding edges of
- pads to protect floors
- pairing with structures
- patio
- patio table
- piano as
- Plant Turntable
- planting bags for steep slopes
- planting methods for
- plastic
- plastic wastebaskets inserted into drainage tiles
- pot holder from Stratford
- Pot Lifter
- pot-bound roots
- Potlevel
- potting mix bags for repotting
- potting soil
- Potwheelz® Garden Dolly
- privacy
- railing flower boxes
- Rain Science® grow bag
- Rainrock
- recycled
- recycled paper pots
- recycling plastic
- repairing concrete
- resin
- reusing nursery pots
- Rice Hull Garden™
- rotating
- sand pails
- saucer
- shopping guide
- small wheelbarrows as portable
- solar-illuminated
- spring prep
- squirrel protection
- storage
- temporary
- Thermo-Lite
- to shelter vines
- Ultra Grow™ for drainage
- upcycled
- Ups-A-Daisy insert
- vegetables in
- vertical planter
- vines in
- water conservation and
- water gardens
- wildlife nesting in
- windowsill planter
- wine rack as
- winter protection for
- wire with sod liner
- wooden
- wrapping
- adding height to
- Contorted trees
- the garden
- the garden
- Contractors, working with
- Convallaria
- Convolvulus
- Conyza