Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 2 of 12 of index terms beginning with "G"
- Garden carts
- Garden centers
- Garden Conservancy
- Open Days Directory
- Open Days Directory
- Garden design
- Garden flags
- Garden Gate
- Containers Made Easy (Vol. 6)
- custom phone cases
- favorite gates
- Garden Club
- Garden Idea Book
- garden plans by
- photos and art from
- plant favorites of staff
- Project Superbundles
- publications as gifts
- puzzles
- Reader Container Challenge
- Reader Garden Award
- seasonal organization of
- tote bags
- Ultimate Perennials for Sun and Shade (Vol. 2)
- vintage Horticulture collection
- Containers Made Easy (Vol. 6)
- Garden myths
- Garden plans
- bird-attracting gardens
- border gardens
- autumn
- banks
- beardless iris
- big impact
- butterfly garden
- casual Midwest
- classic
- curbside
- cut flowers
- deer-resistant
- drive-by
- driveways
- fences
- foliage plants
- fragrant showcase
- full sun
- hot-walled
- late spring
- late summer
- lilies
- low-maintenance
- lychnis
- midsummer
- mix and match
- moon garden
- multi-season
- mums
- narrow garden
- pathway
- peak spring color
- peonies
- perennial
- rocky
- screen with tall flowers
- shrubs
- six great plants
- small space
- spring bulb combos
- spring color
- summer
- summer color-filled
- sunny
- texture combinations
- tropical
- vegetable/flower combo
- waterwise & vibrant
- bulb combinations
- color-theme gardens
- balance
- blue
- blue and yellow
- blue, green and silver
- blue-and-silver
- bulbs
- burgundy
- burning bright
- cool pastels
- cool-blue window box
- cozy path
- electric lights (bright)
- fall combos
- golden
- green
- magenta
- magenta, chartreuse
- monochromatic
- orange
- orange and pink
- orange and red
- pink
- pink and yellow
- pink toning down red
- pink, purple, and white
- purple
- purple and gold
- purple and red
- red
- red and purple
- red retreat
- red toned down with pink
- red, dry loving
- red-hot window box
- soft pastels
- tropical paradise
- unusual combos
- vibrant fall hues
- white
- yellow
- yellow, pink, black
- corner gardens
- anemones
- annuals
- around deck
- big blooms
- birds
- bloom all summer
- coleus
- cool weather
- foolproof combo
- green flowers
- herbs
- hummingbird haven
- impatient gardeners
- inward-facing
- loamy soil
- makeover
- multiseason interest
- outward-facing corner
- season-long color
- shaded raised bed
- shady purple
- spiky plants
- spring stroll
- variegated foliage
- cottage gardens
- cutting gardens
- decks
- drought-tolerant design challenges
- drought-tolerant gardens
- edible gardens
- foundation gardens
- front-yard gardens
- beautiful
- beautiful entry
- blending with side yard
- cottage gardens
- easy-care
- entry makeover
- fall fireworks
- formal approach
- fragrant entry
- front door focus
- getaway
- grand finale
- hardy for the north
- heat-tolerant
- indestructible plants
- laid-back
- low-maintenance
- new-home entry
- out in front
- peony welcome
- romantic entry walk
- small space
- spring bulb combos
- spring ephemerals
- sunny entry
- tiered beds
- timekeepers
- tropical punch entry
- warm welcome
- getaways
- backyard retreat
- beat the heat retreats
- calming garden
- cozy courtyard
- cozy hideaway
- fragrant
- front-yard
- garden rooms
- low-care oasis
- nearly no-care
- peaceful places
- peaceful retreat
- privacy
- private affair
- restful ramada
- rich retreat
- romantic
- seating
- seating for the senses
- shady
- summer backyard
- sunny nook
- sweet escape
- traditional South
- winter interest
- woodland
- Zen retreat
- island beds
- beneath trees
- biennials
- bog
- easy
- full sun
- getting started
- going strong
- hydrangeas
- late-summer showcase
- long-blooming perennials
- marking seasons
- multiseason interest
- nearly no-care plants
- new gardens
- rebloomers
- rock garden
- six great plants
- spring to fall blooms
- ten plants for
- tulips
- Victorian carpet bed
- zinnias
- multi-season
- patios
- beat the heat retreats
- cold-hardy
- colorful
- easy-care
- entertaining
- family enjoyment
- hummingbird hangout
- instead of lawn
- inviting
- low-maintenance plants
- perfect
- perimeter plantings
- soft summer color
- summer flowering
- sunny patio
- year-round beauty
- pondside gardens
- regional gardens
- attracting birds
- casual Midwest
- Colorado
- Gulf Coast
- low water plants for
- Michigan
- Midwest
- mountain West
- native plants
- New England
- Northeast
- Northwest
- Southeast
- Southern
- Southwest
- Tennessee
- West Coast
- shade gardens
- astilbe
- balcony
- berms
- corner raised bed
- deer-resistant
- dry
- early spring show
- fall foliage
- ferns
- foliage border
- full
- hiding eyesores
- impatiens
- island beds
- mix and match
- moist
- moist and cool
- path planting
- pretty primroses
- rebloomers
- restful
- sage
- small space
- spring hues for part shade
- texture
- three season color
- under trees
- variegated foliage
- white flowers
- woodland
- woodland border
- woodland getaway
- special situations
- arbors
- beneath trees
- built on clay
- children's touchable garden
- day and night combo
- dog kennel coverup
- drifts
- dry streambed
- garage dress-up
- gateways
- heat-loving
- mailbox gardens
- mum companion
- pergolas
- phased
- rain gardens
- scree gardens
- screen" porch
- slopes
- tea garden
- terrarium
- textured transition (steps)
- tropical oasis
- vegetables
- walls
- Xeriscape
- sunny side yard
- vibrant courtyard
- window boxes
- bird-attracting gardens
- Garden rooms
- Garden sheds
- Garden tours
- Athens, GA
- Baltimore, MD
- Black Earth, WI
- Boston, MA
- California
- Connecticut
- Denver, CO
- Des Moines, IA
- England
- Garden Conservancy Open Days Directory
- Georgia
- Granite Bay, CA
- Indianapolis, IN
- Kansas
- Kingsville, MO
- Maine
- Memphis, TN
- Michigan
- Middleton, WI
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- Nashville, Tenn.
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Northern California
- Ohio
- Oklahoma City
- Pennsylvania
- Richmond, VA.
- Richmond, VT.
- Seattle
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington (state)
- Zone 4
- Zone 5
- Zone 6
- Zone 6b
- Zone 7
- Zone 8
- Athens, GA
- Garden towers, building
- Garden-themed art
- Metalbird
- Metalbird
- Gardeners
- Andrews
- Armitage
- Avent
- Baggett
- Baldwin
- Bao
- Barlow
- Barone
- Bauer
- Bellaire
- Benoit
- Bergmann
- Bey
- Beyers
- Biernbaum
- Biggs
- Black
- Blaze
- Bloom
- Blyth
- Boaeuf
- Brandt
- Branhagen
- Burdick
- Butkis
- Byington
- Carlsson
- Carroll
- Chalker-Scott
- Christensen
- Clark
- Coates
- Cohen
- Combs
- Coronado
- Couch
- Coulson
- Cowden
- Crain
- Crawford
- Creasy
- Creighton
- Cresson
- Damrosch
- Daniels
- Dittmar
- Druse
- Duma
- Dunn
- Dunn Chace
- Eddison
- Edmunds
- Endres
- Epping
- Ferrante
- Finneran
- Fitzgerald
- Fleming
- Foltz Jordan
- Fowler
- Fox
- Freeman
- Furman
- Gattone
- Gilbert
- Gillman
- Gitts
- Glattstein
- Goins
- Golden
- Gorden
- Gordon
- Greayer
- Grosz
- Hagen
- Hall
- Hannaford
- Hansen
- Harris
- Hawke
- Hayes
- Hayward
- Heath
- Heyer
- Higgins
- Hilderbrand
- Hoadley
- Hoover
- Householder
- Howell-Conner
- Hu
- Hudson
- Hurwitz
- Hyland
- Ivarie
- Jacobson
- James
- Jones, Jr.
- Kaiser
- Karsten
- Kelaidis
- Kendall
- Klehm
- Kolls
- Kramer
- Kunst
- Ladnier
- LaLiberte
- Lamb
- Lamp'l
- Larson
- Light
- Lindsay
- Long
- Loving
- Lowenfels
- Lyon
- Manning
- Marriot
- Marsh
- McCabe
- McDonald
- McIvor
- Medic
- Mendez
- Meyer
- Mikula
- Minirth
- Montgomery
- Myers-Steele
- Nau
- Nock
- Norris
- Nosal
- O'Neal
- O'Shaughnessy
- Ogden
- Ondra
- Orgler
- Paulsen
- Penick
- Pleasant
- Poole
- Price
- Priester
- Purdy
- Randolph
- Reas
- Reed
- Reich
- Riedel
- Ritter
- Rose
- Roth
- Russo
- Salman
- Schmith
- Schrader
- Schultz
- Schwartz
- Sessions
- Shadrack
- Sharp
- Shepherd
- Small
- Smith
- Spaeder
- Spencer
- Stearnes
- Steele
- Steiner
- Stewart
- Stross
- Sutton
- Sweet
- Thomas
- Thompson, III
- Tolmach
- Toomey
- Trickett
- Trinklein
- Turner
- Tuttle
- van den Berg-Ohms
- VanVolkinburg
- Vater
- Venard
- Vengren
- Vincent
- Waller
- Walliser
- Walters
- Westcott-Gratton
- White
- Whitinger
- Wiesinger
- Williams
- Wilson
- Yeager
- Yeich
- Zhao
- Ziemer
- Zuromski
- Andrews