Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 13 of 24 of index terms beginning with "P"
- Plant collections
- Plant combinations
- big blossoms
- bold and bright
- burgundy
- colorful fall berries
- containers
- creative
- dramatic texture
- easy
- Encyclopedia of Planting Combinations
- fall
- asters
- autumn entries
- burgundy and chartreuse
- burning bright
- color palette
- cool palette
- cozy path
- crisp and colorful
- electric energy
- fiery
- golden glow
- long, late-season bloomers
- look that lasts
- looming and luminescent
- simple serenity
- small spaces
- succulent blue container
- sweet and simple space
- texture-rich
- tropical paradise
- uncommon mums
- form
- front-step sizzle
- glittering gems
- golden
- heat-defying
- long-blooming
- low-maintenance
- Natural Companions
- no-fail
- part sun
- pretty and edible
- shade
- shade (Editor's Choice)
- Sharp on
- spring
- spring beauties
- spring bulbs
- spring-perfect
- summer sun
- top picks
- tulips
- Walters on
- winter
- big blossoms
- Plant food
- Plant form
- Plant growth regulators
- Plant hangers
- Plant leaves
- Plant markers
- aluminum cut from cooking tins
- basics of
- chopsticks
- cleaning
- clothespin
- easy iris identification
- flags
- golf tees
- grapevine wreath
- jug ring
- kitty litter as
- knitting needles
- landscape pins
- medicine bottle
- photographs for
- planting instruction on
- plastic cardholders
- plastic pots for
- plastic utensils
- potting soil as
- quick, temporary
- recycled lawn care signs
- recycled mini blinds
- recycled pots
- reused shipping envelopes
- row markers
- soda cans
- steel cut-out
- stone
- sturdy stems
- sun protection
- tomato cages
- toothpicks
- trouble spots
- wine cork for
- write+erase
- writing on
- aluminum cut from cooking tins
- Plant naming
- Plant protectors
- Plant ratings
- Plant reproduction
- Plant rescues
- Plant sale