Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 13 of 19 of index terms beginning with "B"
- Bone meal
- Bonsai
- Books
- 10-Minute Gardener
- 100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden
- 108 Flowers!
- 20 Best Small Gardens
- 50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants
- A Gardener's Encyclopedia of Wildflowers
- a tozEncyclopedia of Garden Plants
- AHS Great Plant Guide
- Allergy-Free Gardening
- Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials
- Attracting Birds and Butterflies
- Audubon Birdhouse Book
- Backyard Chickens: Beyond the Basics
- Backyard Retreat
- Beautiful No-Mow Lawns
- Beginner's Guide to Water Gardening
- Beginner’s Guide to Garden Planning and Design
- Bloom's Best Perennials and Grasses
- Book of Garden Improvement Techniques
- Book of Outdoor Gardening
- Botanica
- Building Garden Ponds
- Bumble Bees of North America
- Butterfly Gardening
- Caterpillars of Eastern North America
- classic garden books
- Complete Flower Gardener
- Complete Garden Guide
- Complete Houseplant Survival Manual
- Compost
- Container Gardening
- Container Theme Gardens
- Containers Made Easy
- Continuous Container Gardens
- Conversation Gardens
- Creative Vegetable Gardening
- Cultivating Chaos
- Deckscaping
- Deer-Resistant Landscaping
- Designing Borders for Sun and Shade
- Designing with Conifers
- Designing with Perennials
- Designing with Succulents
- Diary of a Compost Hotline Operator
- Dictionary of Horticulture
- Dirt-Cheap Green Thumb
- DIY Garden Projects
- Down the Garden Path
- Down to Earth with Helen Dillon
- Drawn to Birds
- Easy Plant Propagation
- Easy Weekend Backyard Retreat
- Easy-Care Guide to Houseplants
- Edible Flowers: From Garden to Plate
- Edible Wild Plants
- Elegant & Edible Garden!
- Encyclopedia of Gardening Techniques
- Encyclopedia of Planting Combinations
- Encyclopedia of Shade Perennials
- Encyclopedia of Water Garden Plants
- Essential Garden
- Essential Garden Maintenance Workbook
- Essential Guide to Gardening Techniques
- Explorer's Garden: Rare and Unusual Perennials
- FalconGuides®
- Family Butterfly Book
- Fine Foliage
- Five-Plant Garden
- Flora: A Gardener's Encyclopedia
- Flower Gardener's Bible
- Forager's Pantry: Cooking with Wild Edibles
- Fragrant Flower Garden
- Fragrant Gardening
- Garden Alchemy (S. Rose)
- Garden Design Workbook
- Garden Gate's The Year in Gardening
- Garden Idea Book
- Garden Primer
- Garden Renovation
- Garden Rescue
- Garden Tourist
- Gardencycle
- Gardener's Fitness
- Gardener's FlowerSelect
- Gardener's Guide to Compact Plants
- Gardener's Palette
- Gardener's Problem Solver
- Gardening for Butterflies
- Gardening for Geeks
- Gardening Technique Illustrated
- Gardening with Chickens
- Gardening with Conifers
- Gardening with Emma: Grow and Have Fun
- Gardening with Prairie Plants
- Good Garden Bugs
- Great Garden Beds and Borders
- Great Garden Shortcuts
- Great Gardens Made Easy!
- Great Gardens: Amazing Spaces & Perfect Plants
- Ground Force Container Gardening
- Groundcover Revolution
- Grow a Living Wall
- Grow Your Own Natural Garden
- Grumpy Gardener
- Healing with Plants
- Homeowner's Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook
- House Plants: The Complete Guide
- Houseplants for All
- How to Eradicate Invasive Plants
- How to Have Happy, Healthy Houseplants
- In Your Garden
- Island Garden
- Landscaping Makes Cents
- Learn to Garden
- Life Cycles of Butterflies
- Lifelong Gardener
- Lifelong Landscape Design
- Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses
- Making Bits & Pieces Mosaics
- Making Decorative Lawn Ornaments and Patio Containers
- Making More Plants
- Medicinal Plants of North America
- My First Bird Book
- Natural Companions
- Natural Gardening
- New Encyclopedia of Gardening Techniques
- New Gardener's Handbook
- New Naturalism
- On Gardening
- Ornamental Grasses for Cold Climates
- P. Allen Smith's Container Gardens
- Passport to Gardening
- Perennial Companions
- Perennial Gardener's Design Primer
- Perfect Plants for Every Garden
- Pests & Diseases
- Plant Finder
- Plant Partners
- Plant Solutions
- Plant, Grow, Harvest, Repeat
- Planting the Dry Shade Garden
- Plants with Style
- Pocket Guide to Shade Perennials
- Pollinators of the American West
- Pots in the Garden
- Pruner's Bible
- Pruning & Training
- Pruning Simplified
- Raised Row Gardening
- Real Gardeners' True Confessions
- Simply Roses
- Small Garden
- Solving Deer Problems
- Speaking of Your Garden (tape)
- Stone, Rock & Gravel
- Stunning Gardens
- Succulent Container Gardens
- Taylor's Master Guide to Landscaping
- The Allergy-Fighting Garden
- The Best of Garden Tips
- The Encyclopedia of Container Plants
- The Ever-Blooming Flower Garden
- The Lavender Lover's Handbook
- The New Seed-Starters Handbook
- The New Shade Garden
- The Nonstop Garden
- The Plant Recipe Book
- The Pruning Answer Book
- The Secret Lives of Backyard Bugs
- The Urban Gardener
- The Wildlife Gardener's Guide
- Tips and Secrets for a Magnificent Garden
- Today's Garden
- Tough Plants: Unkillable Plants for Every Garden
- Truth About Organic Gardening
- Ultimate Flower Arranging Book
- Ultimate Flowers for Summer
- Ultimate Flowers for Sun and Shade
- Ultimate Perennials for Sun and Shade (Vol. 2)
- Veggie Garden Remix
- Vibrant Butterflies
- Water-Saving Garden
- Watering with Less Water
- Weeds of North America
- Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener's Handbook
- Welcoming Wildlife to the Garden
- Well-Gardened Mind
- Well-Tended Perennial Garden
- What Houseplant Where
- What Perennial Where
- What Plant Where
- What We Sow
- What's Wrong With My Plant?
- What's Wrong With My Vegetable Garden?
- When Perennials Bloom
- Why Grow That When You Can Grow This?
- Wild Garden
- Wild Neighbors: The Humane Approach to Living With Wildlife
- Winter Garden
- Writer in the Garden (tape)
- Xeriscape Plant Guide
- Year Full of Pots
- Year in Gardening, Volume 14
- Year of Roses
- 10-Minute Gardener
- Books-on-tape
- Boots
- Borage
- Borago
- Border gardens
- clay soil
- color combos
- colorful, easy-care in backyard
- container showoffs
- cottage charm
- Designing Borders for Sun and Shade
- fall care tips
- fall design challenge
- fragrant showcase
- freshen for fall
- front row pizzazz
- front yard
- function in landscape
- Great Garden Beds and Borders
- layering in
- midsummer makeover
- plants for
- shade
- show-stopping design
- summer
- sunny
- top picks for back of
- waterwise & vibrant
- winter color
- clay soil
- Borers
- Boston ivy
- alternative to true ivy
- alternative to true ivy
- Botanical gardens
- Botany
- actinomorphic
- allelopathy
- antitranspirant
- apical dominance
- aposematic
- aril
- biennial
- chlorosis
- clone
- conifers
- corm
- cotyledon
- crown
- cultivar
- deciduous
- dehiscence
- dentate
- diatomaceous earth
- dioecious
- divaricate
- entomophily
- epicormic branches
- ericaceous
- ethnobotany
- etiolated
- F1
- fasciation
- fastigiate plants
- fimbriate
- flower terms
- frost and freeze
- frost heave
- graft
- guttation
- hardening off
- heirloom
- herbaceous
- humorous look at names
- hybrid
- inosculation
- insect gall
- leaf mold
- lenticel
- marcesent
- microclimate
- monocarpic
- monocotyledon
- monoecious
- name the plant
- nativar
- natives
- naturalize
- nematode
- nitrogen fixation
- nyctinasty
- one101
- open pollination
- pasteurized soil
- phenology
- photoperiodism
- plant reproduction
- pruinose
- pulses
- pure line
- racemosa
- remontant
- runner
- semi-evergreen
- senescence
- short-lived perennial
- spore
- sport
- spring ephemeral
- standard
- sucker
- tessellated
- thigmotropism
- transpiration
- true bulb
- umbel vs. corymb
- viability
- viridescence
- volunteer
- winter annual
- actinomorphic
- Botrytis
- Botrytis blight
- pest watch
- pest watch