Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 14 of 14 of index terms beginning with "L"
- Lunaria
- Lungwort
- Lupine
- Lupinus
- arboreus (tree lupine)
- plant profile
- hybrid
- top pick for extra-cold zones
- perennis (Sundial)
- top pick as butterfly host
- spp. (lupine)
- texensis (Texas bluebonnet)
- arboreus (tree lupine)
- Luzula
- nivea (snowy woodrush)
- What's New
- nivea (snowy woodrush)
- Lychnis
- alpina (arctic catchfly)
- plant profile
- arkwrightii (Arkwright's campion)
- plant profile
- chalcedonica (Maltese cross)
- coronaria (rose campion)
- flos-cuculi (ragged robin)
- flos-jovis (flower of Jove)
- plant profile
- spp.
- viscaria (German catchfly)
- plant profile
- alpina (arctic catchfly)
- Lycopersicon
- Lycoris
- Lyme grass, blue
- foliage color
- foliage color
- Lyon, Ed
- Lysimachia
- alfredii (moneywort)
- clethroides (gooseneck loosestrife)
- congestiflora (moneywort)
- top pick long-blooming
- nummularia (creeping Jenny)
- procumbens
- new for 1997
- punctata (whorled or yellow loosestrife)
- alfredii (moneywort)
- Lythrum