Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 5 of 14 of index terms beginning with "L"
- Lawns
- aerating
- alternatives to
- autumn care of
- barriers for
- bee lawn
- bulbs in
- clean-cut edges
- clover in
- drainage problems in
- establishing
- hiring professional care
- irrigating
- low-maintenance
- lumpy from nightcrawlers
- maintenance
- marking trouble spots
- mold in
- moss in
- mowing strategies
- patchy
- pathways
- popular turf types
- reducing herbicide use
- rust in
- seed
- seeding
- shade
- sustainable
- thatch in
- repairing
- weeds in
- winterizing
- wood ash on
- aerating
- Layering
- Lead in soil
- Lead plant
- top plant for clay soil
- top plant for clay soil
- Leaf blower
- Leaf miners
- Leaf mold
- Leaf mulch
- temporary bin
- temporary bin
- Leaf roller, oblique banded
- Leaf scorch, bacterial
- pest watch
- pest watch
- Leaf spot
- Leafhoppers
- Leatherflower
- plant profile
- plant profile
- Leaves
- bagged for smothering weed
- bagging
- Clear 'N' Collect Leaf Rake
- composting
- Dsolv bag
- fall cleanup
- gathering
- hanging basket decoration
- impressions
- In the Weeds (column)
- keeping out of ponds
- Leaf & Lawn Chute
- Leaf Burrito
- LeafPro™ Universal Leaf Collection System
- Lee Valley Tools Leaf Packer
- playpen for cleanup
- preserving
- shredding
- soil amendment
- winterizing roses with
- Wonder Scooper
- Yard and Garden Clean-Up Kit
- bagged for smothering weed