Magazine Index
Browse the comprehensive index of Garden Gate issues below, listed alphabetically by keyword. Select the beginning letter of the term you are looking for. Related issues to that topic are notated by issue number and page: 109:18 (issue 109: page 18). Click the issue and page number links to see an article summary.
Note: The index only covers magazine issues of Garden Gate and does not apply to gardening books.
Page 7 of 14 of index terms beginning with "L"
- Leptodactylon
- californicum (prickly gilia)
- mat-forming alpine
- californicum (prickly gilia)
- Lettuce
- Lettuce, prickly
- Lettuce, water
- Leucanthemum
- paludosum (melampodium or blackfoot daisy)
- spp.
- superbum (shasta daisy)
- Banana Cream'
- Banana Cream' (Editor's Choice)
- Becky' (Editor's Choice)
- Belgian Lace'
- Carpet Angel Daisy®
- Cream Puff'
- crown gall on
- deadheading
- easy to divide
- foundation garden
- grow like a pro
- juglone-tolerant
- mum companion
- new for 2001
- patios
- plant profile
- Real Galaxy'
- root/crown rot
- top picks
- Victorian Secret'
- vulgare (oxeye daisy)
- paludosum (melampodium or blackfoot daisy)
- Leucojum
- Leucosceptrum
- japonicum (Japanese shrub mint)
- top pick must-have perennial
- japonicum (Japanese shrub mint)
- Leucospermum
- cordifolium (pincushion)
- globe-shaped flowers
- cordifolium (pincushion)
- Leucothoe
- Leycesteria
- formosa (pheasant berry)
- Southwest bird garden
- formosa (pheasant berry)
- Leymus
- Liatris
- ligulistylis (meadow blazing star)
- native garden
- spicata (blazing star or gayfeather)
- ligulistylis (meadow blazing star)
- Lichen, tree damage and
- Licorice plant